Helping businesses everywhere source Lebanese talent.

With JOBSEEQR, you reach the largest pool of Lebanon's top talent with every job post, use algorithms to filter candidates, and build your hiring process with a simple drag-and-drop system—all while posting jobs for free.



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Lebanon’s talent is with JOBSEEQR. 50k and counting.

Lebanon’s top talent is on our platform & within our network, constantly networking at our events & more, as well as developing current & learning new skills to keep up with the ever-changing world around us, showcasing the true relentless drive & adaptability of the Lebanese talent pool, proving as to why Lebanon is one of the most valuable - yet largely undiscovered - talent gold mines anywhere in the world. And they’re right here, waiting for you to hire them.

Lebanon is one of the world's most lucrative and high ROI talent hubs anywhere in the world.

Lebanon boasts a high rate of tertiary education enrollment and several universities recognized for academic excellence globally.

AUB, LAU, and the Lebanese University frequently rank among the top universities in the region, with alumni holding prominent positions globally.

Lebanese professionals offer excellent value, combining top-quality skills with reasonable costs. This makes Lebanon a smart choice for global companies looking for great returns on their investments, ensuring quality without breaking the budget.

People from Lebanon fluently speak at least two languages among English, French, and Arabic, making them highly effective in global settings.

Lebanese professionals are known for their flexibility and innovation, making them strong contributors in fast-paced business environments.

The talent is there. We’re here to connect you to them.

Powerful features to power your hiring needs.

Advanced AI Filtering & Analysis

Customizable Drag-and-Drop ATS

Free, unlimited job posts on JOBSEEQR

Already have an ATS? List jobs with us.

Built-in Messaging System

Push jobs from JOBSEEQR to LinkedIn

Coming Soon

Designated platform for job seekers

Artificial Intelligence Interviewer

Coming Soon

Powerful features to power your hiring needs.

Advanced AI Filtering & Analysis

Customizable Drag-and-Drop ATS

Free, unlimited job posts on JOBSEEQR

Already have an ATS? List jobs with us.

Designated platform for job seekers

Built-in Messaging System

Push jobs from JOBSEEQR to LinkedIn

Coming Soon

Artificial Intelligence Interviewer

Coming Soon

Job Fairs. Networking Events. Workshops. Webinars. And Much More.

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